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Ninja Academy: Environment Pipeline


Our team consisted of seven members: three programmers, three 2D artists, and a producer. Edwin Aw was our producer and a programmer. He kept us on track and coded minor details of the game. Eric Chang, Mingxun Chong, and Kiran George are our programmers. Eric was a programmer and a designer. Mingxun was the Lead Programmer and Kiran was the gyroscope control scheme programmer. Fiona Yu was the Lead Artist and created the concepts for environment assets, put finishing details on edited assets, and detailed the in-game world. Nayoung Kim was the UI and character artist, designed the ninja fox, enemy pigs, and the final boss. I was the 2D artist finalizing concepts, animating environment assets, and animating the scene setting animations for the Final Boss.


The team's Lead Artist, Fiona, and I decided to work on the environment together because we knew that the large number of assets we needed had to be made quickly and leave space for iteration. Our pipeline developed into a short back-and-forth process: Fiona drew the concept sketch and I solidified its shape and colors. Then I added textures to the asset in Photshop and she painted in details and shading afterwards.I've included pipeline summaries for a few assets from each level of the game.


Project Website: Ninja Academy

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